viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Cats and Kittens

Cats are animals with different personalities. They can be small or large, but still very loving.
The kittens can not see or hear anything when born, but after one week of age their eyes open, and all are blue, they can laterchange to brown, gray, green ...
Depend on their mother until they are nine weeks, they drink milkand feed them. They love to play and very curious. Drink milk andget along well with almost any cat.
There are many kinds and colors, there are long-haired, like theMaine Coon and Persian, both famous for being big cats and home.
Some short-haired cats are like the Siamese and Manx.
Animals like lions or tigers are considered feral cats, and someare in danger of extinction, that is why there are few living infreedom and live in captivity.

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